Pretzer Green Consulting

This brand represents a green or sustainable building and construction consultant growing his business. His passion is giving his clients power through knowledge. He guides home owners through the process of DIY green home improvement and offers his own certification programs for those who want to become more hands on.  


By offering a range of knowledge based products and services, PGC will transform California houses into sustainable homes. We make growing into green simple. Let us guide you as you prefer – one on one consult long term, a consult call or a DIY guide. 


We want to help you transform your house into a green one as you can with your time or budget allows. We are highly certified green building and construction managers and consultants. 

We work 100% digitally – video calls, voice calls or download our guides. 


Jack Prezter is a man on a mission. He wants to help home owners of California to get more value out of their home, save money with energy bills and improve the overall housing market with small consumers habits. 

He is incredibly passionate as sustainability is all he talks about with his friends and neighbors. He wants to activate other green consultants into action through scaling his operations.