THE PROBLEM : AMERICA IS UNABLE TO PROTECT OUR PLANET BECAUSE WE ARE SO DIVIDED Over 85% of Americans support clean energy innovation. However, Political partisan gets in the way. Liberals over protect the planet and conservatives exploit it. In This Together’s energy innovation campaign aims to unite the 2 halves of the American supermajority to protect the planet.
The small and energy efficient site is hosted by Green Geeks, a hosting company powered by renewable resource like solar and wind. Every dollar that is donated, a tree is planted or protected in the mangroves of south Texas.
EIA is a child project of In This Together America, a non-profiting uniting the two polarizing political parties together for common good. ITTA recognizes the importance of combining the best qualities of the political right and left, to tackle causes ranging from COVID and climate change to education and justice reform to prosperity and job creation.